Thanks to the Smice App, your employees carry out customized internal audits

To hell with notepads, emails and Excel files!
With the Smice App, you can finally digitize all your field feedback and make life easier for your staff.

Self-assessments to involve your in your quality approach

  • Personalized self-assessments based on the mystery shopper referential, on your internal quality standards, on the latest training received, etc.

  • At any time, your teams can self-assess all or part of their standards.

  • Ask your new recruits to self-assess your service standards to facilitate their onboarding.

Ready to equip your employees Smice App?

Hygiene audits to constantly ensure that sales outlets are irreproachable

  • Equipped with the Smice App, your network managers will be able to carry out hygiene audits every time they visit.

  • Immediately after the audit, the report is received and shared with the
    store manager for debriefing.

  • All audits are consolidated on your personalized dashboards and
    action plans are implemented from the platform.

Customer feedback

Eric Cerceau

CEO of La Wroom Team

"What Smice does better than its competitors: results management, because we manage to justify our answers, which is crucial for the credibility of the project. The quality of the results obtained, thanks in particular to the precision of the comments and the richness of the smiceurs' verbatims".

Checklists to ensure your outlet openings go smoothly! smoothly!

  • Equipped with the Smice App, your network coordinators and store managers will be able to check all the points necessary for opening their store, ensuring that all conditions are met.
  • Safety, merchandising, staff training, design, ....
  • Only when the checklist is 100% complete can the store open!
We help you audit, understand and improve your customers' experience.

Advanced features
for tailor-made audits

Permanently available missions

Available missions appear permanently on your employees' Smice app, with no need to set them up each time!

Missions available around the clock permanently

For your employees and our mystery shoppers, the Smice App provides tailor-made missions, available whenever they need them!

To meet the needs of our different types of users, i.e. your employees and our smiceurs, we have developed 2 versions of the same application.

In this way, your staff will have access to the functionalities they need to carry out self-assessments and audits of their points of sale, and our smiceurs will have access to the missions assigned to them.

In all cases, set-up is easy and only has to be done once. Your employees can launch their audits at any time, whenever they need to, from so-called "permanent" missions.

Questions organized by sequence

For easy navigation within the audit, questions are organized around the sequences of the customer journey, or around the locations to be audited.

Questions organized by sequences

Audit organization is facilitated by either a sequential sequential or geographical structure of the questions.

In all cases, we adapt the questionnaire to your needs.

Discover the questions behind each sequence, then return to the general list to move on to the next sequence.

There's no need to fill in the sequence: you can switch from one sequence to another as you wish.

Each time you return to the sequence list, all the questions answered are saved on our servers to ensure that you never lose any data.

And if you're likely to spend a lot of time in areas not covered by the network, simply activate the off-line mode.

Clear, precise instructions

Ensure strict compliance with audit specifications

Clear and precise precise

To help you prepare for your audit or mystery visit, the Smice App provides the right details at the right time.

A complete briefing, illustrated with photos, videos and even quizzes to help you prepare for your audit, questions enriched with precise instructions for clear, consistent answers, a memo to remind you, just before your audit, what you shouldn't forget...

At each stage of the audit, the Smice App guides you so that every answer leaves no room for imprecision.

Up to 3 photos per reply

Because a picture is worth 1,000 words, each answer in your audit can be illustrated with 3 photos.

3 photos per reply

Justifying your answers with photos often makes everyone agree : )

Take your photos as you answer the question, or fetch them from your phone's photo library. Click on a photo to enlarge it and make sure it illustrates what you want to show.

These photos will then be accessible on the Smice platform from your Dashboards and PDF reports, as well as on your photo walls, which you can filter by theme, by question and even by compliance level!







Obligatory comments, or not...

Pre-listed comments allow you to justify non-compliance by clicking on a selection of reasons.

Comments required, or not...

Pre-listed comments allow you to justify any non-compliance by clicking on a selection of reasons.

This makes it possible to analyze the most common reasons for non-compliance across all visits, without having to analyze all the free comment fields one by one.

Instant reports on the app

Retrieve your internal audit reports in real time, and immediately debrief the people being assessed!

Instant reports from the Smice App

As soon as the audit is complete, your colleagues have access to the report, including scores by sequence, by criteria, and all comments and photos!

Debrief the teams, send the report via email or WhatsApp with a comment to encourage or highlight non-conformities.

Any other ideas
for using the Smice App?

Let's talk!

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