
Smice, a partner at your side

For over 15 years, we've been helping you to measure compliance with your standards and evaluate your customer experience. We're also at your side to assess your salespeople's discourse across all distribution channels.
We put our expertise at your disposal to help your teams achieve operational excellence.


We help you audit the compliance of your standards

Our aim is to help you maintain optimum customer satisfaction by ensuring compliance with your standards.

The aim of compliance mystery shopping is to measure compliance with customer journey quality objectively and consistently, identifying your network's strengths and weaknesses.

Whether in franchises or branches, we help you ensure the consistency of the brand experience delivered across your entire network.

Want to go one step further and manage your own audits? Discover our dedicated solutions.


Compliance mystery tour
What's it all about?

Find out how mystery shopping can help improve your compliance.

Customer feedback

Laurence Ternois

TGV Customer Experience Director

"At the same time, we have found Smice and its management team to be adaptable and responsive in modifying processes.
The innovative Mystery Shopping service is delivered by Smice's delegated smicers. They test all situations, including remote sales, and report and analyze what they have experienced, with a particularity that we appreciate: the richness and diversity of the comments. "It's everything that re-contextualizes things that can be interesting and that is really brought back to the surface. Smicers do it, and we appreciate it.


We help you measure the quality of your customer experience

Our aim is to help you shed light on how your visitors feel about their experience, beyond any benchmark.

The challenge of the customer experience visit is to bring out the weak signals that customers don't always share with your field teams. It helps your service standards evolve to improve customer satisfaction.

These innovative visits will enable you to put words to the perception of your customer experience.

Our demanding mystery shoppers are there to help your quality standards evolve.

Customer experience

Cross channel

Online customer experience: Smice

Online experience

We assess the quality of all the important stages in your customers' purchasing cycle.
Ease of use, possible breaks in the customer journey, chat efficiency and relevance, clarity of delivery information...

So many steps to take to optimize the online customer experience

In-store customer experience: Smice

In-store experience

We help you assess the quality of your in-store customer experience by identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you maintain consistency between online and in-store visits?

Check the consistency of your cross-channel customer journey.

Telephone experience

The telephone is sometimes the 1st step in your customer experience and should not be neglected.

Do the welcome and customer experience match the quality expected by your brand? 

Evaluate the quality of our mystery shoppers' answers.

Cross-channel customer experience: Smice


The mystery tour of
What's it all about?

Find out how mystery shopping can help improve your recommendation.


Seller: Smice

We help you evaluate your brand's recommendation

Our aim is to help you assess the level of recommendation of your brand by the salespeople in your distribution network.

Mystery visits enable you to evaluate the sales pitch of the distributor's sales staff and to position yourself in relation to the competition at the same point of sale or across your entire distribution network.

We enable you to evaluate the use of your merchandising, the promotion of your new products and the orientation of sales staff towards your products.

Case studies

Groupe Barrière shares its experience

Groupe Barrière has been conducting compliance mystery visits for years, and they are necessary to ensure excellence and consistency of service across all its establishments.

But they decided to go one step further.

That's why we offer them mystery visits, which allow them to freely analyze the smiceur's experience.

Mystery visits/year
Mystery visits/month


Your first results in 48 hours
We consolidate feedback from the field in less than 48 hours, so you can keep an eye on your operational performance.

Quality mystery shoppers

A well-prepared visit for a quality result 

Our mystery visits are carried out by carefully recruited mystery shoppers. Their reports are complete, qualified, relevant and of the highest quality.

Industry experts

Our business expertise at your service

We work with industry experts to offer recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Innovative tools

Giving you the means to act

We provide you with specially designed reporting tools tailored to your needs. Identify your strengths and weaknesses at a glance.

Tell us about your project