All you need to know about compliance mystery shopping

In our new ebook, learn all there is to know about the compliance visit.

Find out what it is, why it's necessary and how it works. 15 pages to understand why it's important to put compliance control at the heart of your network. We'll also tell you about our expertise and the value we add through our dedicated tools.

Finally, you'll discover our other mystery visits, as well as our solutions that will change your mystery shopping programs and get your employees even more involved.

What is a compliance mystery shop?

"A compliance mystery visit is an objective, well-argued measurement of the gap between what your brand wants to deliver to its customers and the reality on the ground." 

Find out what's at stake for your network with a compliance mystery visit, and what you can learn from an audit.

To prepare a compliance mystery visit, Smice builds a detailed scenario so that our field experts can deliver relevant information. We explain all this upstream construction in detail in our ebook.

Every stage of your customer journey can be measured and scored. But beyond these scored reports, you get rich verbatims that explain all the reasons for the non-conformities identified by our mystery shoppers.

The compliance mystery visit enables you to check that your standards are in line with those set out in your standards. It's a powerful quality control tool for your network.

Why is compliance mystery shopping necessary?

" Mystery shopping gives you the keys to measuring your network's strengths and weaknesses. It identifies areas for improvement and key success factors for your ideal customer journey."

This sentence from our ebook pretty much sums up why it's in your best interest to start compliance mystery shopping in your network. You can objectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of your customer journey, but the visit of our mystery shoppers will give you much more information. 

Find out how reports from our field experts can impact your management policy and internal training program.

Mystery shopping compliance audits play an important role in motivating your teams, while helping you to maintain the quality of customer relations at the heart of your business.

What is Smice's expertise?

You can draw on our 15 years' experience in mystery shopping, which, combined with your brand expertise, enables us to build customized scenarios for your mystery visits. Our ability to work in agile mode means you'll always have a program tailored to your field requirements.

In this ebook, you'll discover our expertise in your sector, and our ability to make proposals. We'll work with you to give you all the keys to a successful mystery shopping compliance program.

Finally, we explain our entire recruitment process for Smice field experts, and their preparation prior to visits. This will help you understand the care we take in selecting the best candidates, and how this rigor is our added value.

Not everyone is a Smice mystery shopper! This rigor is reflected in the quality of the audits we carry out and the unanimous feedback we receive from our customers.

Further information

At Smice, we never rest on our laurels. That's why we've developed our own tools to meet the needs of the field. Here you'll find out how our mystery shoppers collect data during their visits, and how it's returned to you.

We have made it a point of honor to develop in-house tools to offer you the most complete range on the market. 

Find out here how to empower your employees with our SmiceApp and Pilot platform.
This ebook will teach you a lot about compliance visits, and you'll understand how they'll become an indispensable tool for challenging the quality of your customer journeys.

Smice allows you to set up other types of mystery visits, more focused on feelings, but we'll tell you more here.


The aim of compliance mystery shopping is to objectively and consistently measure the quality of the customer journey, by identifying your network's strengths and weaknesses.