Find out more about recommendation mystery shopping

Have you ever wondered how you can play the little mouse with your distributors to see if they recommend your products? There is such a way, and it's called the recommendation mystery shop. In fact, we've devoted an entire ebook to it.

Why should we? Because we're convinced of its value, its effectiveness and its added value for your brand.

Our ebook explains how it can shed light on your referral rate in a distributor network you don't own.

We tell you all about it here.

What is a referral mystery shop?

"For a brand, the recommendation mystery shop consists in evaluating its recommendation rate in the network of retailers in which it is distributed", is the definition of the recommendation mystery shop, as given in the ebook specially dedicated to it. 

Less well-known than its big sister, the compliance visit, the recommendation mystery visit is aimed at other types of networks and addresses different issues. It is aimed at brands without a brand name. In this configuration, you don't have as much influence over what salespeople say. Yet there are many points to check.

This chapter of our new ebook details all the control points that the referral mystery shop allows you to screen. Discover how our experts in the field obtain the information you need to control your referral rate, thanks to precise scenarios.

You'll see how a few targeted questions, asked by seasoned consumers, can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your sales pitch. 

Why launch a referral mystery-shopping program?

When you have your products distributed by resellers, you enter into precise agreements on referencing, promotion, merchandising, and so on.

So it's imperative to check regularly that these agreements are being respected. Setting up a referral mystery-shopping program can help you do just that. 

The last step before the sale of your product is a key factor in your business. It's to have the means to verify this fundamental KPI that the recommendation mystery visit exists.

In this chapter of our ebook, we detail the 4 main reasons for launching your future referral mystery shopping program:

  • ensure the quality of the sales pitch;
  • check the visibility of your products;
  • rebalance the balance of power in your negotiations;
  • set up a benchmark.

Smice's expertise at your side

The quality of your referral mystery-shopping program rests on 3 pillars:

  • our 15 years of mystery shopping experience;
  • your brand expertise ;
  • the quality of our mystery shoppers.

It's the combination of these 3 areas of expertise that enables us to design personalized scenarios for your mystery visits. Our ability to work in agile mode ensures that your program is always adapted to your field requirements.

Through this chapter of our ebook, you'll also understand how carefully we select the best candidates, with a strong affinity with your product families, to ask the right questions.

Our mystery shoppers have to put themselves in your customers' shoes, with the same expectations, the same needs. This rigor is reflected in the quality of our audits and the unanimous feedback we receive from our customers.

Further information

As you read the pages of this ebook, you'll discover how to take mystery shopping to the next level. Our data collection and analysis tools have been specially developed by mystery shopping specialists Smice. 

Whether it's the SmiceApp or the Smice platform, discover these tools specially developed by our teams.

We'll also show you how you can include your staff in your own audit by giving them access to our application.

This new ebook will teach you a lot about referral mystery tours, so don't wait any longer and discover it here.



Mystery visits enable you to evaluate the sales pitch of the distributor's sales staff and to position yourself in relation to the competition at the same point of sale or across your entire distribution network.